Artas Hair transplantation in Munich - Dr. Sussan Rosenthal


Female Hair Loss

Most people think that hair loss is only a male problem. But about 40 % of the patients who consult a doctor because of hair loss are women. Today 20 % of all patients undergoing hair transplant surgery are women. Especially for women the hair loss represents a major handicap and burden, as thick and long hair is still seen as the ideal beauty. The main reasons for hair loss are stress, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disturbances, illnesses of the thyroid gland , bad dietetic habits or genetic factors.

To classify women’s hair loss we use the so-called Ludwig-scale. The hair loss is classified into three stadiums, which helps to prepare the hair restoration.

Mostly the major cause is an androgenetic alopecia. The main areas of hair loss are at the forehead and the upper part of the head.

Ludwig Scale

I: The hair is thinned out, the volume decreases.
II: The hair loss is along the vertex.
III: The hair loss shows some parts of the head; some bald areas can be seen.

When is a female hair transplantation recommended?

Most important is to evaluate the cause of hair loss in women. With the use of the Ludwig Scale we can determine which kind of hair transplantation or alternative therapy could help you. Especially women can benefit from alternative therapies such as homeopathic treatments, PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma ) and autohaemotherapy and other naturopathic therapies. Dr. Rosenthal has more than twenty years of experience in alternative medicine and will look forward to provide advice concerning all therapeutical aspects of modern conservative and alternative hair therapy as well as hair surgery.