Artas Hair transplantation in Munich - Dr. Sussan Rosenthal


What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy?

The platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a therapeutic option for both male and female patients suffering from hair loss. In our practice we are convinced of the stimulating factors for hair growth. We have twenty years of experience in autohaemo herapy, which is used for a general stimulation of the immune system. Recent scientific studies seem to show a positive effect of PRP in wound healing and by a stimulation of the immune system it also seems to stimulate hair growth. Stem cells of human blood contain growth factors which assist in tissue regeneration.

How does PRP work?

First of all your blood is drawn like in a normal procedure of blood exam. Then, after spinning the blood in a centrifuge, PRP is separated from the rest of the blood. After this separation the highly concentrated platelet rich plasma is injected into the patient’s scalp. Only light local anesthesia is needed for the whole procedure. Especially for patients who are looking for additional hair growth stimulation or where a surgical hair restoration is not possible or not wanted, PRP therapy could be an option. It is also often used in addition to hair surgery to stimulate hair growth.